I wanted to start writing about my experiences as a newly minted runner, if it is possible to be newly minted at anything in your 40’s. I was never a runner. I spent the last few decades joking that I ran only when chased, hilarious, I know. In high school I was made to run a mile for the Presidential Physical Fitness test, I remember it being very difficult for me and at that point, I vowed to never run again. (Unless I was being chased.)

Fast forward a few decades, a marriage, several moves, a couple of kids and a business, physical fitness wasn’t a priority. I didn’t think I was exactly out of shape, but at one point we had to run to a gate to catch a connecting flight and I felt like I was going to die.  I periodically weighed myself and felt like I was “in range” until I wasn’t. One day I realized that I weighed more than I did when I was pregnant, it was a shock. I am a petite person and 20 extra pounds if a big deal.

My son started middle school and joined a running club. Now some background, this kid has always loved to run. I joked that he got it from my husband’s side of the family.  Not from me. No way, I could barely run the mile in high school, after all. When he was little, I would send him out to run laps around the house, he loved it.

Is it a wise idea to take up running in your 40’s?  Maybe, maybe not. I will say I feel better physically, despite a few injuries, than I have in my entire life. It could be that the bar for feeling good gets lower as we age but I like to think I am actually in better shape. I am not a marathon runner, but I could not imagine running 1 mile, let alone 3.1 (it’s the .1 that gets you) two years ago. I want to encourage and inspire you to take that first run! Running seems hard in the beginning but it is quite literally, one foot in front of the other. If something gets in your way, go around it. Follow me for more tips!

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