Secretly, I run so I can listen to 80’s music

The older I get (remember, I am still chilly!) the more I focus on doing things that make me happy. Why then am I cutting downs trees and sleepign in a shed without heat, it must make me happy on some strange, primal level.

I grew up in the 80s and as a child of this time period I am keenly aware of “stranger danger.” Having been fed a regular diet of “After School Specials” and “America’s Most Wanted,” I was keenly aware that I might be kidnapped at any time. Safety, or the illusion of safety is something we Gen X-ers prioritize.

where it all started

Growing up in the 80’s also meant listening to music was one of the most important things in my life. I listened at 9pm to the local “Top 9 tonight.” I never quite understood who was rating them and how it could change daily but I would record my favorite songs from the radio to my cassette player. I did my aerobic workouts listening to my walkman. I never liked the disc man as much, it skipped too much during my jump heavy dance routines. Without social media or in my case, cable television, music was my primary connection to the world around me.

When I began running in my 40’s, it made me feel like a kid again. Seriously, who other than elementary school kids takes off running at full speed (or any speed) for fun and not just to escape a predator? Runners, that’s who. We may look serious with our dri-weave running gear and our hideous Hokas but we really are just giddy kids. Happy to be outside, running into or around puddles, listening to the soundtrack of our youth.

In my neighborhood, where I have defined and regularly trafficked trails, I feel comfortable listening to my earbuds. If I am elsewhere, I may only use one earbud or none at all.

I know “serious” runners don’t listen to music while they run. It’s their loss. Running for me is basically an excuse to listen to music, especially cheesy 80’s music, though I also tend to sing which scares the people around me.

What do you like to listen to while you run?

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